01/31/2024   |  

SKC is excited to announce the availability of the 2024-25 Domestic Catalog! The 2024-25 SKC Domestic Catalog is your essential source for sampling instruments, media, and kits for air, noise, and surface/dermal. This beautifully designed full-color 248-page product guide contains information on new and available SKC products plus the fully updated version of the very popular SKC Air Sampling Guides— OSHA/NIOSH/ASTM. Available free of charge, the SKC Domestic Catalog complements the expanded and continually updated information available at www.skcinc.com. Put SKC science, solutions, and expertise to work for you.

This two-year catalog is available in print and as a PDF. If you requested a print catalog, you should receive it soon.

To access the PDF version of the catalog or to request a print version, visit here.